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Colonial Williamsburg in VA(弗州殖民地威廉斯堡)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年03月27日12:33:19 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话



【Aiden in English】

        Nobody in the 21st century knows exactly what an 18th century town looked like just as an 18th century villager couldn't picture what a woolly mammoth would look like. But even the 18th century villager knew that woolly mammoths were big just as we know that people back then were somewhat more majestic than our current sense of fashion. All we needed to do was to go on a little scavenger hunt for clues about the past and piece them together by imagination. Follow these simple instructions and you'll find yourself in Williamsburg.

        Everything in Williamsburg was grand, such as grand houses, grand beds, grand furniture, etc. That was why it stood out in history. The tours took place everywhere, workers scurried around doing what colonial people in the 1700's would do, and the streets were stuffed with tourists.

         A variety of colonial architectures were built in Williamsburg where many American historical people lived, for example, Peyton Randolph, and Speaker of Virginia's House of Burgesses. In his house, the dinner was awaiting for him before he died of heart stroke. He didn't get to see the 13 colonies free from the Britain. Another famous building would be the capitol with high chairs stood in the Council Chamber and arched windows marched across the courtroom.

        Unfortunately they both were blown away by the Governor's Palace, home to seven governors including Thomas Jefferson. Everything was decorated so spectacularly that it appeared to be ready for a party. Speaking of decoration, who displayed muskets and swords in the halls? Well, the governor did, because muskets were put in rows and stacked on top of another, with swords intertwined together on the walls. But that's just the beginning. The beds were a picture of their own. Flowers and birds were woven into the blanket and beautiful silk drapes surrounded the bed. More specific features symbolized its red dressing room, blue ballroom, and green dining room. In addition, the backyard had maze grown out of bushes (yes, like the one in Harry Potter Book Four), which probably made the most significant of all.

        You may never know what the Colonial America really resembled in the past. To get the general idea, however, Williamsburg is always available.







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