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California Pizza Kitchen(加利福尼亚比萨饼屋)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年03月29日08:03:06 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

        Pizza is the most famous and popular food in the USA. It is so delicious and cheap that a slice of bread with tomato sauce and cheese makes a gentleman like me go nuts and I could eat pizza all day. I experienced it at California Pizza Kitchen in Plymouth Meeting Mall today. There simple pizza is turned into a work of art.

        Today's crazy, colorful pizza was the Spicy Chipotle Chicken Mexican Pizza. It consisted of corn, peppers, olives, onion, chicken, and beans, sprinkled on top of a cheese pizza. With sophisticated layers and rich texture, this pizza was very appetizing and alluring to my sense of taste. Compared to the best selling combo pizza at Costco, it looked at least 50 times fancier and tasted very unique in flavor. What's more, California Pizza Kitchen transformed the plain, creamy, and regular pizza into a whole new taste. It was so defying that it didn't even taste like a pizza anymore.

        But pizza is pizza, and I just love pizza no matter how different.





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