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GHCS Camp—First Day(光华中文学校夏令营第一天)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月02日07:18:08 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

        My first impression when I arrived at the summer camp @ Guanghua Chinese School in PA: OH BOY! There were books and books and books. Last time I checked, school will start in 2 months.

        As I sat down, a teacher handed me a book in Chinese to read. She said that I should read the first 4 chapters to catch up since I wasn't here for the first session. The chapters looked pretty long, and I wasn't exactly the fastest Chinese reader.

        An hour later, I was still struggling to catch up. As I finished, the teacher started Math class. This wasn't the summer camp I expected. When the class finally did something with movement, let's just say that the younger kids loved it more than I did.

        Soon, I couldn't take it anymore. Unlike the sports camp at LCHS, we haven't gone outside yet. So, Richard, one of the assistants, took me and another boy my age to the tennis court. That was a bad idea because both of us were horrible.

        Just as we got back, everyone was ready to go outside. Talk about perfect timing. When all the kids came out, the little princesses who populated 90% of the camp had a ridiculous game of Simon Says. I thought that it became the most remarkable game ever since once or twice a girl shouted: "Simon Says Slap Aiden!" Ouch!

        As a matter of fact, the camp was not as bad as I thought earlier on. Only thing is that it should cut off the learning and add more playtimes, probably have games for older kids like me. The other girls are also annoying, but what can I do about it? There just them, so I perhaps should begin to respect them a bit.



        我刚坐定下来,老师便递给我一本中文书籍,并告诫我说, 因为我未参加上期夏令营,所以应该了解已经教过的前四篇故事,迎头赶上落下的知识。这四章文章篇幅很长,而我确实不是那种能够以最快速度浏览中文的读者。





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