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Religious Art of Nessebar, Bulgaria(保加利亚内塞巴尔宗教艺术)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月29日07:57:03 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话



Aiden in English

        The Christian Orthodox has always been a huge part of the ancient city of Nessebar in Bulgaria. As a matter of fact, Nessebar was the very center of the Orthodox Church between the 13th and the 19th century. Nowadays 250 icons, or paintings of Jesus Christ, Virgin Mary, prophets, apostles, evangelists, and numerous saints or angels, have survived. When the Ottoman Empire took control of Bulgaria, Nessebar was able to reserve its religion, keeping its unique culture alive. 

        During the 16th-17th century period, an icon-making school was founded in Nessebar and deeply influenced by the major icon-painting centers of Meteora and the island of Crete in Greece. These icons were created by local painters specialized in painting icons. At the same time, they decorated many churches in the area. The icons of “St. Nicholas” and “The Holy Virgin- Mistress of Life” are one of the many icons.

        The Church of Christ Pantocrator was built in the 13th-14th centuries and decorated phenomenally with a fine green ceramic frieze, floral motifs, triangular ornaments, circular turquoise ceramics, etc. It has a cruciform dome with three altar niches, a narthex, and a bell tower above the narthex. Four pillars support the dome. Inside the apses are semi-circle and outside a pentagon wall. Facades are segmented by richly decorated blind niches.

        The domed church of St. John the Baptist was built with rubble and crushed stones. It features interior frescoes that span from the 14th to the 17th century. 

        The Church of St. Stefan was made of stones and bricks in the 11th century. Interestingly, it hosts 258 interior paintings, three naves, and many marble pillars. Its middle nave rises above the others and is crowned in east the west by frontons. 

        Dedicated to Jesus Christ’s ascension, the St. Spas or Savior Church was built with a two-sloped roof, one nave, and one apse in 1609. The eastern façade was dug in the ground. Paintings on the walls were extremely precious, depicting scenes of Jesus and Holy’s mother. The gravestone of the Byzantine princess Matthias Cantacuzene Palaiologina was preserved in the floor of the church as well.

        A cruciform domed Church of St. John Aliturghetos (Unsanctified) was constructed with three apses and a narthex in the 14th century. The base of the cruciform part is almost a quadrangular shaped by four columns. Blind niches were decorated with various geometrical patterns of bricks and small stone cubes divide the façade walls (ceramic plastic style). The church has two entrances in the north and the south, which is rare for orthodox religious architecture.









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