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Tallinn Old Town, Estonia(爱沙尼亚塔林古城)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年05月20日07:24:22 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话



【Aiden in English】

        Estonia is one of those countries that kids at my middle school scratch their heads upon hearing the name. It also may bring curious pronunciations along. Tallinn is its capital city, which is a modern term. Not long ago, the city would've been a little more than a town of peasants, but the revolutions in technology and science have brought about great urbanization to the country, and nearly 40 percent of the country's population lives there. Yet oddly, the most beautiful sight to see is a living museum of spired churches and medieval architectures. 

        The history center or old city makes up most of Tallinn, dominating the culture and lifestyle. It has been deeply influenced by the Teutonic, Danish, Tsardom of Russian, and Soviet regimes. Getting a second house is supposed to be much cheaper than renting an apartment in the center of the old town, since not only are the buildings extremely old, but also the old city center is quite ... small like a birdcage. To start, everything is built on a set layer of cobble. Although it gives off a fancy look, it is really annoying to travel on. Just imagine, you look up to see a church or any sight in particular, and you just so happen to step into a crevasse on the ground. It isn't the best idea to have us walking, but on the other hand, the streets are barely large enough to fit a single car. Unfortunately for some tour bus drivers, certain streets were for living purposes, and parked cars often got in the way. 

        It's ironic that the country of Estonia has been fighting for its freedom for so long against the former USSR and now accepted so many of them into its society. To be fair, there aren't too many fights breaking out like our perfect US society, and most can't be distinguished from one another if you're a tourist. Yet, for the tour guide, it was as easy as reading a book, pointing out races in the restaurant, bus, and streets. It went literally like "Hey, she's Finnish" or "Wow, another Russian waiter". I guess I shouldn't be surprised since mom has the same ability as Chinese ethnic groups. Also, apparently, one out of every five Finnish people in Finland has been to this country, as there is a ferry that runs 3 trios back and forth, each length is fifty miles across the Finland Gulf. Ironically, again, Finland was not an option of escape during the Cold War, as the country was trying to avoid the former USSR's wrath as well. 

        Another weird fact about Estonia was the place for sailing competition during the 1980 Moscow Summer Olympic Games. As the former USSR still held dominance in the country, it wanted to show wealth in weapon power and the money to impress, so the bad treatment of the people had to be temporarily removed. New houses with beautiful outer decorations were constructed before the Olympics, but the insets were quite dull. Nowadays, the city looks about the same as it had, having beautiful streets. Of course, not every house was changed, and people saw the boxed, poor houses residents would usually be treated to. Today, we just look at the former USSR government and laugh at its foolishness. The irony is present again since it is the decorations of the former USSR that really spice up the old city thrill. 

        Estonia is a country that has been only a pawn in a game of chess for so long, and after its independence in 1991, I highly doubt Russia will ever touch Estonian territory ever again. Ironically, that's where we are going next.







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