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Medieval Porvoo, Finland(芬兰中世纪古城波尔沃)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年05月21日07:35:33 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话



【Aiden in English】

        Tucked between Sweden and Russia, the Finnish are stereotypically a quiet group of people influenced by those two powerhouse nations. Most of the time, we think of Finns like Suomi as humans sitting in the middle of a clearing on a small stone or on the edge of a dock on the beach. Although it isn't exactly the kind of mystical elven country most Americans think of it, Finland is quite quiet for my taste. 

        The Finnish land is not one which contains many scenic views of nature or feats of man. Rather, it is the complete opposite. The views sit in a piece of quiet beauty, mostly untouched by the passage of time. Even in Helsinki, the largest city in the country, not many skyscrapers can be found. Amazingly, there are neoclassical buildings busted in homage to St. Petersburg, Russia. Porvoo, a medieval town on the outskirts of the capital, has become the second oldest city that seemingly complements the naturalistic countryside of Finland unexpectedly. Although in recent years, modern parts of the town have sprung up, the old town still carries around the sense of the 1900s. This trade center of its nation has been in constant torment of the Russians for military mission abroad until recent years, always burning down the houses every time they passed through. Nowadays, it is a peaceful village. Even though it still requires food from the local modern supermarket, the old town is somewhat self-supporting. Many shops were selling shirts and restaurants lined the streets, and the town's inhabitants have blended in with the newest technology, like cars and such. The wooden houses themselves have been remodeled to have the newer stuff, and they aren't as medieval as one would think at this point of view. 

        I have come to see these aspects, but not before noticing the odd fact of the silence. If you looked in any direction, all you see on the horizon would be trees and lakes. The idea of silence would be the absolute absence of sound, and at times, that's how it felt. The closer you got to the modern world, civilization seemed to reoccur. In the old town of Porvoo, everyone appeared to be either out of town, asleep or hiding. I can cross out the second option, especially after seeing Chinese people touring the area with us. The world knows all the sound we make, so no surprise that most of the village woke up the moment the tourist groups set foot in Porvoo. And with so many people, one would think they would spread outright? No, a chocolate store just happened to be giving out free samples. Unfortunately, I can't say the tourists are idiots, because mom and I went there, too. 

        The idea of the summer in Finland is to escape. Not only are there 20 hours of daytime, but in the winter, there are 20 hours of the night. Plus, the summer usually doesn't come with a foot of snow. Most residents own a small fishing boat or sailboat, and they use them to head to the seas, where it is possible for some to spend the entire summer. Although it sounds boring, a thousand of islands dot the Baltic Sea, and island hopping is very popular. For others, escape means to run into the forests, wilderness, or another country. I think I can relate...







2016-07-03_Porvoo River-20001.JPG

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