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Giant's Causeway, UK(英國巨人堤道)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年05月26日07:26:45 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Giant's Causeway0001.JPG

【Aiden in English】

        Notice how I'm calling it "Northern" Ireland. It technically is a different country, since it uses a separate government and leadership, but is still considered a part of the UK. Ireland was divided when the nation declared independence from Great Britain, with a fourth of the people saying they were against farmers being the dominating power. So Northern Ireland was formed. There isn't much difference between the two countries, except the large factor of Giant's Causeway outside of Belfast. 

        The world is a very huge place. When events with extreme rarity don't occur, many people believe that they will never happen. Think about it again. This world has a lot of areas, which allows many chances for an event to happen. In addition, with a few billion years that the earth has been around, the probability that an event has happened from the beginning must be somewhat guaranteed, especially if it has anything to do with nature. I mean, it's not like anyone was rushing nature. Obviously, it isn't everywhere that an event such as this would pop up, so the sight would still be stunning to see. What exactly is what the Giant's Causeway is. 

        The Giant's Causeway is a small piece of land made up of approximately 40,000 interlacing basalt columns, jutting out into the Atlantic Ocean. Why do we come to see the rocks? This reoccurring theme of viewing the different internationally famous rocks has become quite a ritual to this trip now. From watching enigmatic mountains to magical stones to mythical ... rock columns, its special hard material seems to be in the wrong league. But, I was incorrect. It is a natural event that's rarity quite distinguishes itself from the others. About 60 million years ago, the area was on the Ring of Fire, and lava was always covering and recovering the grounds. Towards the top, the cooled lava becomes cracked and broken, but down lower in the earth's crust, the lava cracks in shapes, making five, six, seven-sided figures. That is why the Giant's Causeway is a UNESCO World Heritage Site since the stones on the bottom have pushed their way up using uplift and erosion on the surface. Now, people can see the natural pier of hexagonal rocks stretching out into the waters. They actually are pillars, rising to nearly forty meters in height. Examples of this can be found on the hillsides, where the dirt has been eroded, which exposed the huge pillars. They seem to be the doings of God, which is not far off. Of course, when there is a scientific theory, there must be a myth... 

        Once upon a time, Fionn MacCool, an Irish giant, lived on this island. He was the greatest, tallest, strongest of them all, except one. On the island of Scotland lived Benandonner who was the largest of the giants. Fionn wanted to find out who the best was, and threw down these rocks to form a bridge, now known as the Causeway. There is proof of a bridge since in Scotland laid the other end of this bridge, although nowhere near as grand. Benandonner's size surprised Fionn who ran back to his wife Oonagh in Ireland, asking for help. He was then dressed as a baby, and when Benandonner arrived, he saw the child. Benandonner, seeing how large a baby was, wondered at the height of the father, and fled. On his way back to Scotland, he let the bridge collapsed. And now, we just witness the remains. Believe what you want.






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