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First Marking Period of the 8th Grade(初三第一学制)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年06月05日08:41:54 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

        You know, the eighth grade is just the seventh plus one. It makes sense, I guess.

        Every year, at the start of the school, there always is a speech of how the new grade is “life-changing” and “totally different”. In the early years of school, the kind of stuff was all the same. Approaching the seventh grade, the changes in between grade levels began to grow larger and larger. So, in terms of math, there is no “plus one” from the seventh to the eighth grade, or like any other grade ascendance. It is, quite literally, exponentially increasing, and with the words of a math worksheet, "x" which is equal to the grade level2.

        At the end of the first marking period of the eighth grade, I must say that physical science is not looking pretty. I get great grades on tests, but the conclusions really bust my chops. There never is enough “reasoning”, and that’s coincidentally the only section on the rubric worth double versus the other parts. Sure, each lab conclusion only is around 30 points, but small things may lead to larger treasures, or in this case, consequences. Ironically, there also is a saying about how small pebbles thrown in a river do not change its flow, which apparently applies more to my standpoint since I still hung on an A.

        I’m not here to talk grade averages. So far, the eighth grade has not proven overwhelmingly challenging, and thus there is no reason for me to stress the struggles. If anything, the extra-curricular activities have gone down. But some things do stick out, like NJHS. Those letters stand for National Junior Honor Society, which basically means you’re outstanding in school and can begin leading and volunteering outside of school events, like helping fundraisers and holiday dances. By now in the first marking period, we’ve had a Halloween dance which I didn’t attend because of piano lessons, and as lame as that sounds, the lesson was crucial for the impending performance the next week. Luckily, I wasn’t removed from the list, and I plan on attending the next event, assuming it isn’t on any other important piano recitals or auditions.

        The society itself was nerve-racking enough. Most standardized tests are actually not as scary as students believe, but in the special font on the paper, students think it to be infinitely times harder. The NJHS application seemed very intimidating and used strange, harsh word phrases to describe the requirements of being an NJHS member. After tons of stress and volunteering, I applied and was selected. It was one of the rare sparkings highlights up to the end of the first marking period. Life has just become harder in general, but you get used to it quickly. Sooner or later though, there’s going to be a curveball thrown my direction. I have no idea when, where, why, or what it will be.

        However, there is one thing I do know. Based on the enormous differences of what this marking period has given me, all the “crazy” stuff is going on.

        The eighth grade is just the seventh +1.






        然而有一件事我心中有数,针对第一学制带给我的显著变化,所有“疯狂” 事物正在蓬勃发展。


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