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2016 Thanksgiving @ CGCC(2016年神州基督教会感恩节)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年06月06日08:17:35 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

        China Grace Christian Church, every year, hosts an annual Thanksgiving feast and an hour or so of service. I think everyone going really is sacrificing time, as it takes place on the night of Black Friday. In any case, most of the people here are expecting to have a good time, which is what usually happens every year at these events.

        However, there are many issues with the Thanksgiving traditions that I have. I enjoy football, love the days off of school (really needed), and embrace the beautiful seasonal colors. I cherish the Black Friday shopping massacres- I mean, sprees. I’m also crazy about it… most of the food.

        In modern Chinese culture, parties have food and drinks come first. Sure, everyone wishes for entertainment, but the fun can only be as good as the food is. No offense for the founders of American food, but the eastern Asian cuisine is quite tastier, more diverse, and simply better (subject to bias). Thanksgiving is an amazing excuse for great food, although not necessarily turkey. Before I get into what was put on the table for the feast, I just want to say how much turkey is over-rated. The texture is like a dry, sandpaper, rubbing against the mouth. The meat itself takes a lot of time to soak up flavor and eating anywhere other than the skin or the outer edge is extremely flavorless. Unless carved into thin slices, the meat may not receive the full flavor desired. This makes the full-sized turkeys quite a pain to eat. I don’t understand how Americans eat their turkey, maybe they slaughter it in gravy and cranberry sauce. Neither of which are too healthy. So when the church began the dinner, and everyone patiently went down the buffet line, literally all the children skipped past the turkey bin. I really don’t see this addiction with wild birds. The Chinese culture is open to all animals, and as much as people make fun of this fact, the flavors are diverse. It may just be my opinion since everyone else in school thinks otherwise.

        The dinner was great. Not many people touched the turkey, so by the end of the eating session, it was all that really remained, other than some tofu and cold broccoli. On a day like Thanksgiving, everyone expects great food. Expectations were met today, and the service after was a great way to not only digest food, but also give thanks for what we have. I understand some of the audience are not religious, and they know who they are. It does not mean there is nothing to be thankful for, and so we should all be thankful as well. Sure, nearly all the teens were doing something they probably shouldn’t be doing, yet they all probably knew the message of Thanksgiving and heard it from the countless prayers of thanks.







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