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Capitol Debate Camp Day-2(国会辩论夏令营第二天)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年06月24日06:43:01 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

        The debate has begun. The arguments, competitive spirits, and stressing situations of the debate meetings have begun. And the fun has begun.

        I just want to say that my debate experience was quite lacking in the past. However, that did not relate to my public speaking. Granted, every Chinese speaking contest was quite a disappointment for me. But I’m quick on my feet and mind during English presentations, thanks to the many classes I’ve taken. Luckily, I really enjoyed certain speaking classes, so my fear of public speaking was not completely off the scale.

        Regardless, I am still quite nervous when it comes to public action, whether it’s the performing arts or speaking. In my eyes, I see that musical performances and sport pressures are much greater than speaking. However, the debate is commonly referred to as a competitive sport. The nature itself of the debate is to win an argument, liking the topic or not.

        Day one featured the “get to know you” stage. Day Two had much of the same idea, just that we began to explain our overall debate resolution. I was somewhat excited to see our end game goal; but more importantly, it was the impromptu debates.

        Impromptu- Done without planning. Essentially, we were given a topic to debate, using a brief session to record evidence, and then a quick rapid-fire of both sides. What the activity was called was a two-two-two, a quick debate set-up format. Each side has a pro/con side of a simple topic. They are given two minutes to gather evidence, condensing the evidence into two reasons or contentions, and finally having two minutes to explain the side of the argument. I, personally, do enjoy doing these little public speaking activities, but the group was very larger, therefore the wait was overly long. I still had a blast, rushing through site after site. My given topic, although not applying directly to me, was that the driving age limit should be raised to eighteen. I received the “con” side of the argument. Through much searching, I eventually found the CDC government site, which provided lots and lots of valuable, but more importantly, reliable information. I was on a roll through collecting evidence… and then I realized that I researched the wrong side of the argument.

        Luckily, I recovered, manipulating a few pieces of evidence and adding personal experience to create an argument. Disaster, yes, but I made the most of what I researched, pulling together a decent speech with minor pauses here and there. From start to finish, I kept an overall composure. Never stuttering, buying time with calculated pauses and repetition, I felt really good about my argument. Yet I still believed there was more to improve, which is why we probably were going to do this tomorrow.








Today in History(历史上的今天):

2015: 76ers Overnight Camp─Memory(七六人队篮球寄宿营─体会)

2014: YMCA Camp─Renaissance Fair(基督教青年会营─文艺复兴节)

2013: 从俄国浪漫到革命(From Russian Romance to Revolution)


Capitol Debate Camp Day-1(国会辩论夏令营第一天)
标 题 (必选项):
内 容 (选填项):
回国机票$360起 | 商务舱省$200 | 全球最佳航空公司出炉:海航获五星
海外华人福利!在线看陈建斌《三叉戟》热血归回 豪情筑梦 高清免费看 无地区限制
一周点击热帖 更多>>
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2019: 谁要嫁这个聪明的没毛猴子。哈哈哈。
2018: 蝶恋花·承古载今~汉字之伟大
2018: 万维有没有蓝金黄迹象?会不会被蓝金黄
2017: 高情商的男人让你有多舒服? (ZT)
2017: 大公司讨债记
2016: Nigel Farage:胜利属于诚实正派的人民
2016: Paxman in Brussels - Who Really Rule
2015: 原来老Q所鼓吹的希腊文明虚无主义来自
2015: 来个公元一世纪的罗马雕塑给西老大看看