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送交者: Pascal 2020年07月07日00:01:42 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话






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报道还指出,中共党媒《环球时报》的在一条推文中发出警告,表示:“中共拥有多种反航母武器,例如 DF-21D 和 DF-26 “航母杀手”导弹。其分析师还表示,中共随时会在极具威胁的情况下用导弹摧毁美国航母。文中写道:“南海完全在中国人民解放军的掌握范围内,解放军拥有丰富的反恐经验,美国在南海任何的航空母舰行动是解放军的荣幸。

对此,美国海军在一份声明中表示,为维持自由开放的印度洋及太平洋的安全和稳定,尼米兹号(USS Nimitz)和里根号(USS Ronald Reagan)航母正在南海进行军演。海军演习给指挥官带来了更多灵活性和能力,只有美国海军才能指挥这样的军演。声明中没有确切说明在南海军演的地点。


该文章还援引了《华尔街日报》报道中海军少将乔治·维科夫(George M. Wikoff)的话说:“这样做的目的是向我们的合作伙伴和盟友发出一个明确的信号,表面我们致力于区域安全与稳定。”





Chinese state media said Saturday the double US aircraft carrier deployment to the South China Sea is 'at their pleasure'. 

In a tweet The Global Times also warned: 'China has a wide selection of anti-aircraft carrier weapons like DF-21D and DF-26 "aircraft carrier killer" #missiles.'

Two U.S. aircraft carriers were conducting exercises in the disputed South China Sea on Saturday, the U.S. navy had said, as China also carried out military drills that have been criticized by the Pentagon and neighboring states. 

The state run Global Times said analysts noted and they could destroy the carriers at any moment with missiles in a chilling threat. 

The paper wrote: 'The South China Sea is fully within the grasp of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA), and any US aircraft carrier movement in the region is solely at the pleasure of the PLA, which has a wide selection of anti-aircraft carrier weapons like the DF-21D and DF-26 "aircraft carrier killer" missiles.'

Chinese state media shared these images Saturday and said the double US aircraft carrier deployment to the South China Sea is 'at their pleasure'


Chinese state media shared these images Saturday and said the double US aircraft carrier deployment to the South China Sea is 'at their pleasure'

The state run Global Times said analysts noted and they could destroy the carriers at any moment with missiles in a chilling threat, posting these images


The state run Global Times said analysts noted and they could destroy the carriers at any moment with missiles in a chilling threat, posting these images 

In a tweet The Global Times warned: 'China has a wide selection of anti-aircraft carrier weapons like DF-21D and DF-26

In a tweet The Global Times warned: 'China has a wide selection of anti-aircraft carrier weapons like DF-21D and DF-26 "aircraft carrier killer" #missiles'

China and the United States have each accused the other of stoking tension in the strategic waterway at a time of strained relations over everything from the new coronavirus to trade to Hong Kong.





该文件写道:“南中国海完全在中国人民解放军的掌握范围之内,任何美国航母在该地区的行动都是解放军的荣幸,解放军拥有广泛的反海上选择权。 DF-21D和DF-26型“航母杀手”导弹等航母武器。





罗纳德·里根(Ronald Reagan)领导的罢工组织的指挥官维科夫(Wikoff)表示,这些演习不是对中国进行的演习的回应。五角大楼本周批评说,这种演习“不利于缓解紧张局势和维持稳定的努力”。








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The USS Nimitz and USS Ronald Reagan were carrying out operations and exercises in the South China Sea 'to support a free and open Indo-Pacific,' the navy said in a statement.

It did not say exactly where the exercises were being conducted in the South China Sea, which extends for some 900 miles and 90 per cent of which is claimed by China despite the protests of its neighbors.

'The purpose is to show an unambiguous signal to our partners and allies that we are committed to regional security and stability,' Rear Admiral George M. Wikoff was quoted as saying by the Wall Street Journal, which first reported the exercises.

Wikoff, commander of the strike group led by the Ronald Reagan, said the exercises were not a response to those being conducted by China, which the Pentagon criticized this week as 'counter-productive to efforts at easing tensions and maintaining stability'.

China dismissed the U.S. criticism of its drills on Friday and suggested the United States was to blame for increasing tensions.

'The purpose is to show an unambiguous signal to our partners and allies that we are committed to regional security and stability,' Rear Admiral George M. Wikoff was quoted as saying by the Wall Street Journal, which first reported the exercises.

Wikoff, commander of the strike group led by the Ronald Reagan, said the exercises were not a response to those being conducted by China, which the Pentagon criticized this week as 'counter-productive to efforts at easing tensions and maintaining stability'.

China dismissed the U.S. criticism of its drills on Friday and suggested the United States was to blame for increasing tensions.

The navy did not say exactly where the exercises were being conducted in the South China Sea, which extends for some 900 miles and 90 per cent of which is claimed by China despite the protests of its neighbors


The navy did not say exactly where the exercises were being conducted in the South China Sea, which extends for some 900 miles and 90 per cent of which is claimed by China despite the protests of its neighbors

The flagship of Nimitz Carrier Strike Group, USS Nimitz, pictured the Philippine Sea on June 23


The flagship of Nimitz Carrier Strike Group, USS Nimitz, pictured the Philippine Sea on June 23

The USS Nimitz and USS Ronald Reagan, pictured in October last, were carrying out operations and exercises in the South China Sea 'to support a free and open Indo-Pacific,' the navy said in a statement


The USS Nimitz and USS Ronald Reagan, pictured in October last, were carrying out operations and exercises in the South China Sea 'to support a free and open Indo-Pacific,' the navy said in a statement

U.S. carriers have long carried out exercises in the Western Pacific, including in the South China Sea, according to the U.S. Navy. At one point recently, the United States had three carriers in the region.

China announced last week it had scheduled five days of drills starting July 1 near the Paracel Islands, which are claimed by both Vietnam and China.

Vietnam and the Philippines have also criticized the Chinese drills, warning they could create tension in the region and impact Beijing's relationship with its neighbors.

The United States accuses China of trying to intimidate Asian neighbors who might want to exploit its extensive oil and gas reserves. Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam also lay claim to parts of the South China Sea, through which about $3 trillion of trade passes each year.

The U.S. statement said the naval exercises gave commanders the flexibility and capabilities 'that only the U.S. Navy can command'.













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