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Second Marking Period of Ninth Grade(高一第二學制)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年07月07日12:20:28 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


【Aiden in English】

        Okay. It wasn’t that bad. I guess…

        End of the second marking period of the 9th grade. Grades are in. I’m not too happy.

        Although I maintained an A average for every class, it was a bit of a struggle. Two classes, Latin and Biology, were narrowly passed with some nervous moments near the end of the marking period. Speaking of which, semester changes had just come around, and a lot of people were freaking out about new classes. I didn’t have any changes, but some newcomers got shuffled into my classes, possibly due to schedule issues.

        New marking period, new me…just kidding. You know, whenever a milestone regarding time is reached, like New Year’s Day or Thanksgiving, everyone wants to be different, be someone else. 

        Personally, these objectives aren’t exactly all reliable or even helpful. The boost of moral energy from the New Year barely can last through three weeks for most people. Besides, a New Year’s resolution should be smaller, daily, and change character, not long-term physical attributes.

        With that all said, I want to be a better student…still kidding. I will stubbornly say my study habits are alright. Although it doesn’t involve studying every night, I have easily kept up in certain areas. Others, not so much. However, this allows me to prioritize my classes and refocus my energy. Why study a math course of Pre-Calculus that you barely try and still end up with a 95%? Move the priority to a more needing section, like biology. Realizing that it may be more difficult than I thought, I kind of added a bit more effort into that class, and came out with an A. Not bad, but I know I can pour in some more effort into that area.

        So, in conclusion, the major takeaway from a shaky first semester of high school is to manage your resources. Resources include time, activities, as well as energy. Why spend an entire night looking through math notes and previous assignments when the entire point of math is to apply fundamentals and the skills you already have? Other than formulas, the only other things you need are basics and a charged calculator.

        Therefore, look in the direction of science, where there are no basics (at least, not this level). Memorize the characteristics of DNA and how the replication process occurs. Memorize the positions and valence electrons of carbon on the periodic table. Spend energy on taking notes, watching videos, and asking friends for answers. 

        That is the biggest change I will make next semester of the 9th grade.











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2009: 阿魯巴—開心之島(One Happy Island, Aruba)



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