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Shofuso Japanese House, Philadelphia(費城日本松風荘)
送交者: 兒歌薈萃 2022年04月09日09:03:47 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Shofuso Japanese House & Garden0001.JPG

【The Man with the Blue Guitar·X (1937)】

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

        Raise reddest columns. Toll a bell

        And clap the hollows full of tin.


        Throw papers in the streets, the wills

        Of the dead, majestic in their seals.


        And the beautiful trombones-behold

        The approach of him whom none believes,


        Whom all believe that all believe,

        A pagan in a varnished car.


        Roll a drum upon the blue guitar.

        Lean from the steeple. Cry aloud,


        "Here am I, my adversary, that

        Confront you, hoo-ing the slick trombones,


        Yet with a petty misery

        At heart, a petty misery,


        Ever the prelude to your end,

        The touch that topples men and rock."

—— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • ——
















              尖塔傾斜。 哭聲大作,











Today in History(歷史上的今天):

2012: 佛州環球冒險島樂園(Universal's Islands of Adventure, FL)

2011: 埃及哈布城神殿祭廟(Medinet Habu—Mortuary Temple, Egypt)

2011: 埃及熱氣球空游底比斯(Hot-Air Balloon over Thebes, Egypt)

2011: 埃及尼羅河遊輪(Cruising on the Nile, Egypt)

2022-04-08_Shofuso  Surrounded by Dogwood and Cherry Trees-10001.JPG

2022-04-08_Stone Tower-10001.JPG

2022-04-08_Stone Path0001.JPG

2022-04-08_Japanese Pavillion Gazebo-10001.JPG

2022-04-08_Island_ Bridge_ & Wee Tree_ a Tranquil Getaway-20001.JPG

2022-04-08_Koi Pond_Japanese Stone Lanterns & Waterfall-10001.JPG

2022-04-08_Koi Pond_Japanese Stone Lanterns & Waterfall-20001.JPG

2022-04-08_Roof Overhangs_Layers upon Layers of Kenoki Bark_ a Type of Cypress Tree w a Natural Insect Repellent0001.JPG

2022-04-08_Carp Wind Sock Flag_ Yard Koinobori Hanging Decor0001.JPG

2022-04-08_Roof Overhangs_Layers upon Layers of Hinoki Bark_ a Type of Cypress w a Natural Insect Repellent Harvest from 80 to 100-Yr-Old Living Tree & Last 25 Yr0001.JPG

2022-04-08_Deep Basin_Water Channel0001.JPG

2022-04-08_Terrace to Tea Rm0001.JPG

2022-04-08_Water Rm_Water Storage Area0001.JPG

2022-04-08_Water Curtain by Hiroshi Senju-10001.JPG

2022-04-08_Shoin or Study_ a Multi-Purpose Rm for Dining_ Sleeping_ & Entertaining Guest-30001.JPG

2022-04-08_Shoin or Study_ a Multi-Purpose Rm for Dining_ Sleeping_ & Entertaining Guest-10001.JPG

2022-04-08_Tea House_Tatami Mats Soothing on Bare Feet0001.JPG

2022-04-08_Authentic Japanese Teahouse replicates what would have been the abode for a feudal lord back in the Edo period of the 17th to 19th century-10001.JPG

2022-04-08_Authentic Japanese Teahouse replicates what would have been the abode for a feudal lord back in the Edo period of the 17th to 19th century-20001.JPG

2022-04-08_Kitchen Antechamber afar0001.JPG



2022-04-08_Bath House_Bathtub0001.JPG

2022-04-08_Bath House_Squat Toilet0001.JPG


2015: Seasonal Allergies(季節性過敏)



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