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本世纪最大笑话 – 帝国主义在北京的看门狗
送交者: 金无明 2023年01月28日04:47:24 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话



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  Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2023 at 06:16:20 AM CST  Subject: The biggest joke of the century! Re: How will the Ukraine proxy war end to become the biggest succes

The biggest joke of the century!    

Leeliang letters 01-28-2023  

Every time a win the West has harvested, a country is destroyed and millions of human beings perished.  

。。。Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Libya, then Ukraine; the next, China (including Taiwan) ?  

After the 1976 coup that cleaned up Mao's successors, China is  practically owned by the capitals; those so-called leaders in Beijing  are nothing but dogs run by the Imperialists for the capitals.  

Xi Jin-ping is long gone, his "China Dream" has become the biggest joke of the century!    


(From google translator:  

本世纪最大笑话 – 帝国主义在北京的看门狗

李良书简 01-28-2023  



1976 年清除毛泽东继任者的政变之后,中国实际上已为资本所有;北京那些所谓的领导,不过是帝国主义在北京的看门狗。  

习近平早不在了,他的 中国梦 成了世纪最大的笑话! )

------ Original Message ------
Received: Fri, 27 Jan 2023 09:32:37 PM CST
From: ye
Subject: How will the Ukraine proxy war end to become the biggest success for the West?

                                                                                                                                               The stupidity and greed of Chinese leaders are mind boggling.                                                                      
                                              They let the western media, mostly owned by the super jews, control the  narratives and willing take all the shits throw at China with no energy  to counter back.  Chinese are bunch of cowards never dare to give the  western super elite a black eye unlike Mao.                                                                      
                                              The Chinese leaders think they can control western elite games and gladly play along.                                                                      
                                              China leaders whose princelings have more than $5 trillion kept in  offshore financial center such as BVI, Cayman etc. are the Chinese  people real traitors who sold off their 1 billion Chinese hard working  fruits of labor to enrich themselves.                                                                      
                                                                                                                                How will the Ukraine proxy war end to become the biggest success for the West?                                                                                                                   The biggest win for NATO [and the West, of course eventually] and an  even bigger success than the collapse of the Berlin Wall in 1989 [no shot fired, and the unity of East and West Germany become one  Germany today, and the collapse of the Eastern Bloc countries and the  former USSR, including Poland, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia - split  into two countries] will be the  self-implosion of Russia [where Putin is gone and Russia becomes like  Poland] and the might of the NATO military is in Russia without a shot  fired.                                                                                        
                                                                                                                  It will be a repeat of the end of the Cold War and the end of the former  USSR where NATO military forces are now along borders close to Russia.                                                                                                                   This has created the present tensions, and the proxy-war between Russia  and Ukraine where there is no indication how and when this military  conflict will end and in whose favour.                                                                                                                   The west will pray and hope that the end of this military conflict will  bring about post-proxy-war Ukraine together with the new Russia becoming  members of NATO.                                                                                                                   This will become the biggest success with no shot fired by NATO having  its military forces stationed along the Russian/Chinese border when the  new Russia comes under NATO.                                                                                        
                                                                                                                  It will be the encirclement of China by the West from the north and west of China.                                                                                                                   Is that not the US's ultimate aim as the biggest prize for NATO military  forces stretching out all the way from UK to Russia and looking  eye-ball to eye-ball with the Chinese military forces across the Chinese  western and northern borders with the new Russia?                                                                                                                   What next will be more dreaming of the world of tomorrow.  

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