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送交者: 鱼片粥 2014年04月23日18:52:01 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

这个网站上充斥着对于贵族精神的崇拜。“富人之伟大” “西洋饮食文明”“上层社会的正直”“骑士的勇敢”“高贵的血统”等等谱写了一曲对于盎格鲁撒克逊古今贵族的溢美之歌。



求助:我无法解释为何高贵的贵族世袭制度会被欧洲大部分国家废除。贵族世袭体系在1789年和1848年的法国大革命之中被废除,在1795年被荷兰废除。贵族的所有特权在1919年被德国魏玛共和国禁止。贵族体系在1917年被俄国的二月革命所推翻。 在美利坚合众国的立国宪法里有个附加条款 (酬薪条款),明确规定:


这项禁令道出了美国精神的精髓,美国的贵族只能由才华,美德和贡献来形成,而不是世袭。“法兰克林和华盛顿不需要加冕的荣耀,耀眼的头衔和生而具有的显赫来证明自己。 平等权利禁止区分共和之公民之贵贱。” Jeffersonian St. George Tucker (1803)

在欧洲历史上贵族从来就不是社会进步的动力。恰恰相反,贵族是阻挠社会正义和平等,毒化道德的可怕势力。它是建立在对于广大出身卑贱人民的奴役之上,只效忠于皇室特权。贵族精神和基督教里的怜悯,谦卑和宽恕并不兼容。 基督教的施舍是无条件的,谦卑的。而贵族的慈悲是傲慢的,同情是居高临下的,善意是自私的。 贵族的温文尔雅是城堡里的行为规范, 贵族的慷慨是作秀式的,为的是证明自己通过世袭得来的财富和权利的合法性。






The adrenaline rush for the aristocratic nobility is omnipresent at this website: “the greatness of the affluent”, “the culinary civilization,” “upper class righteousness,” “knight bravery” “the noble blood', - a chorus in dedication to the Anglo-Saxon aristocracies, ancient or contemporary.

See the goose bumps on my arms?

The Chinese elitist class, on the other hand, is devoid of civility, spiritually spineless and intellectually malnourished. The Chinese civilization represents nothing other than rotten morality and crooked wisdom. Alas!

But how can we reconcile the aristocratic nobility with its historical ban by most European countries and America? The Hereditary title system was abolished in France by Revolutions of 1789 and 1848;  it was abolished in 1795 in Netherland, all legal privileges of the nobility were officially abolished in 1919 in Germany by the Weimar Republic. The nobility was overthrown by the February Revolution of 1917 in Russia. In the United States, the hereditary title is legally prohibited by the so-called Emoluments Clause of the Constitution:

“No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”

This prohibition on titles pointed to the essence of American spirit: the American society should be led by a natural aristocracy based on talent, virtue, and accomplishment, not by a hereditary aristocracy based on birth.  "A Franklin, or a Washington, need not the pageantry of honours, the glare of titles, nor the pre-eminence of station to distinguish them....Equality of rights...precludes not that distinction which superiority of virtue introduces among the citizens of a republic." - Jeffersonian St. George Tucker (1803).

The aristocracy was never a driving force for social progresses in the European history, they were a formidable force impeding the social justice, undermining equality and poisoning the social morality. It was built upon the serfdom of the vast underprivileged of mean birth. It served the privileged royalties. Aristocratic spirit was not congruent to the virtues of misricordia(mercy), humilitas(humility) and clementia (forgiveness) embodied in Christianity. Christian passion to help is unconditional and humble but the aristocratic “mercy” is arrogant, sympathy is condescending and goodwill is self-serving.  Aristocratic civility and generosity are a stage show to legitimize its rights and wealth gained through peerage.

Charles Dickens once says; “The civility which money will purchase, is rarely extended to those who have none.”

It is still true, isn’t it?

For an ordinary individual like you and me, noble spirit is to fulfill our social and family responsibilities and to maintain integrity and morality. It is noble for the rich to be charitable and for the poor to be self-reliant.

Nobility belongs to those who are not making Faustian deals on own civilization.

But some bloggers have besmirched nobility by choosing otherwise.

Shame on you!

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