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China Should Seriously Warn...
送交者: BestWishes 2009月02月27日18:05:01 於 [軍事天地] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 日專家警告:激怒中國將葬送日本1.3億國民的生命!fujianman 於 2009-02-25 22:25:29
China should seriously warn Japan that their unreasonable seizure of the Fisher Island would bring them a national diaster.
Also, China should prepare a force large enough to strike an overall annihilation of the enemy by conventional or unconventional weapons.
Russian had warn Japan with that tone, and ever since, Japan doesn't even dare to challenge Russia anymore.

I think China has that ability too. The problem for China is that their present leaders are "politicians" rather than revolutionists or patriots.

China should really change its "No First Use of Neclear Weapon Policy" in order to deter outside invasions. Only if China can resort to Nuke weapon, China can block both Japan and its supporting country behind.
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