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Where does the tariff go?
送交者: 金哥 2019月06月02日09:00:05 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 美对华天然气出口岌岌可危 美媒:中国能打持久战力挽狂澜 于 2019-05-31 00:12:36

Now that after 25% tariff, who pays for the 25% and who gets the 25%? The importers pay; the consumers pay. Our salary or income don't go up 25% yet we have to pay much more higher prices for things we need. Who gets the 25%?  The government!  This means the tax reduction Mr Trump promised is fake becuase we pay much more and finally equivalent to pay much more tax to the US government that goes into his pocket as well as the haves.  What a shame! I regret I voted him!

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