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Japan's frequent phase changes
送交者: ice 2021月10月31日20:03:32 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 美台频频唱双簧,台退役少将:台湾没人愿上战场,要为谁而战?一剑破天 于 2021-10-29 19:03:45

Since the establishment of the prime minister system after the Meiji Restoration in 1885, there have been 100 prime ministers in Japan. Although Japan is a capitalist democracy, it also attaches great importance to family and regional political power. It is difficult for a person without strong political power and family background to become prime minister.

After World War II, most prime ministers came from political families, but after World War II, the United States actually controlled Japanese politics, so the Japanese prime minister can only be elected with the consent of the Americans. That is why a Japanese prime minister can only be supported by the US if it is in America's interest. Another reason is that the U.S. constantly interferes in Japanese politics and frequently changes its proxies to find people who follow U.S. interests.

This innate gene may determine the nature of the Japanese fool - opposition to the Japanese people.

Japan's Kyodo News agency has reported that former Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda attended the 40th anniversary of the transfer of administrative power to Japan in Okinawa, encountered protests, prefecture people shouted "get out". Thus, there is a huge gap between Noda and prefectural people; More publicly reported. Former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama has disappointed okinawans by apologizing for failing to fulfill a promise to move an American military base from the island.

In modern times, Okinawa experienced a series of "displacement" under Japanese rule, U.S. occupation, semi-autonomous Ryukyu government and return to Japan. Okinawa has its own ryukyu dialect on the island, which is difficult for Japanese from outside the island to understand, and it is the colorful costumes of the Ryukyu dynasty that are seen most often, rather than the typical Japanese kimono. According to Japanese media, a survey conducted by the University of the Ryukyu between 2005 and 2007 found that 30.3 percent to 41.6 percent of okinawans identified themselves as Okinawans. Only 21.3 to 28.6 percent of respondents said, I am Japanese. Among the current population of 1.4 million, the traditional culture of ryukyu characteristics still firmly occupies the lives and hearts of okinawans.

It can be seen that any us military presence or "stationing" in accordance with the interests of the US has brought great "pain" to the local Japanese people. How can such a policy of trying to bend and fool the people be solved by frequent changes?

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