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送交者: 一劍破天 2016年07月10日18:38:57 於 [軍事天地] 發送悄悄話
The Republic of China (ROC or Taiwan) Navy said on Thursday it has started design work on its domestic attack submarine programme, hoping to complete it in 2024. Navy Command Headquarters Chief of Staff Vice Admiral Mei Chia-shu told a legislative committee session: “We plan to complete the design by 2019 and complete the construction by 2024.”
The Republic of China (ROC or Taiwan) Navy said on Thursday it has started design work on its domestic attack submarine programme, hoping to complete it in 2024. Navy Command Headquarters Chief of Staff Vice Admiral Mei Chia-shu told a legislative committee session: “We plan to complete the design by 2019 and complete the construction by 2024.”
Hai Lung class submarine currently in service with the ROC Navy
(picture: ROC Navy)
The submarine programme is part of Taiwan's new naval acquisition plan which was unveiled late last year. The ROC Navy also have a Destroyer programme as part of this plan.

Under a four-year contract, design work is estimated at Tw$3 billion ($94.46 million). Preparatory work begun last year with an approved budget of Tw$10 million.

Vice Admiral Hsiao Wei-min said last year that "at present the navy's demand is submarines ranging from 1,200-3,000 tons". 

The builder has not been revealed yet but military sources said it should be given to a team composed of Taipei-based Ship and Ocean Industries R&D Center, the CSBC Corporation Taiwan and foreign technology advisers.

Mei said the navy signed a contract with a Dutch company earlier this year to extend the lifespan of the two subs so Taiwan could use the design blueprint as the basis for the construction of the first home-built submarine.

In April 2001 then-US president George W. Bush approved the sale of eight conventional submarines as part of Washington's most comprehensive arms package to the island since 1992.

Since then, however, there has been little progress. The United States has not built conventional submarines for more than 40 years and Germany and Spain have reportedly declined to offer their designs for fear of offending Taiwan's rival, China.

The Taiwanese navy currently operates two Hai Lung-class submarines — Taiwan’s only combat-ready subs — which were acquired from the Netherlands in the late 1980s.

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