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Obama forced Xi Jin Ping to a corner
送交者: abc55 2016年07月11日23:17:09 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话

The Nobel peace winner Obama, the U.S. president, is about to make a greatest disaster for the U.S. by forcing the Chinese president into a corner on the issue of the south China sea. It can be very dangerous for a man even to corner a small cat. China is not a small cat. All the wars the U.S. engaged after the World War II were aimed at small countries with weak militaries. Now, as the first black U.S. president, Obama is going to make a big name for himself by making the worst war in the the U.S. history that may last for many decades to come with the heaviest lost of human lives.

As the U.S. president, Obama should understand that no mater how powerful Xi Jin Ping may be in China as a dictator, Xi simply doesn't have the power and authority to give up China's souveinty in South China Sea. The Chinese people and the army will not allow it. No one in China dares to give up China's territary, it is a impossible job.

Obama is so frequently sending its warships to the South China Sea to challenge China's souveinty there, he is in fact simply sending the open insults and humiliations to Xi himself. No man can take this type of the humiliations for so long. According to the fact that the highest military leadership of China participated miltary drill in the South China Sea, Xi Jin Ping has made up his mind to have a serious war with the U.S. no mater what the cost it may be.

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