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送交者: 岚少爷 2011年12月10日09:46:09 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话
China's Hu urges navy to prepare for combat
Chinese President Hu Jintao on Tuesday urged the navy to prepare for military combat, amid growing regional tensions over maritime disputes and a US campaign to assert itself as a Pacific power.


RichardW • Tampa, United States • 15 hours ago
A powerful Chinese Navy - brought to you by the Walmart shopper!

Sharon • Dallas, United States • 15 hours ago
Meanwhile, O is golfing and taking vacations. We elected him to lead and, unfortunately, he has not done that.


Tom • Fort Myers, United States • 15 hours ago
Where is that Puss Puss Obama? Oh yeah, vacationing again.

娘娘腔的奥巴马在哪里? 噢耶,又在度假中。

Larry 15 hours ago
I guess Obama didn't bow deep enough.


Alan • Monterey, United States • 14 hours ago
Well the Obama administration succeeded in making the world view us ( the U.S.A. ) in a different light, was this the goal when you guys got him elected? In the eyes of the Chinese leadership we look weak! Again, is this what you were aiming for?


Jacksdad 15 hours ago
Obama is leading the US into world war 3 and the Obama media refuses to cover it. Syria and Iran and backed by China and Russia and both have said an attack on either nation is an attack on them.


Ken 11 hours ago
Actually the largest standing army in the world is the USA. There are over 90 million gun owners in this country and is a primary reason we have never been invaded.

其实在世界上最大的常备军是美国。持枪者在这个国家有超过90万,这是我们从来没有被入侵的一个主要的原因。Meiko 11 hours ago
The Obama administration is now making the top secrets of our drones very, very transparent to the Iranians and its friends. Well done, Mr. President. Of course, he will blame Bush on the technology developed during the Bush era.

奥巴马政府让绝密的无人机现在对伊朗和它的朋友非常,非常透明。干得好,总统先生。当然,他会指责布什在布什时代开发了这个技术。Steve • Walnut Creek, United States • 13 hours ago
The Muslim in the WH will have a news conference on how the US has offended our creditor and as debtors, we should be ashamed of ourselves...

白宫的穆斯林将有一个关于美国如何得罪我们的债权人和债务人的新闻发布会,我们应该感到汗颜... ...

netserfernick • Tularosa, United States • 14 hours ago
China wants to rule the world and my Government is helping them. They have sold us out to china. Time to take America back fro both china and Washington.


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