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送交者: 岚少爷 2013年09月05日22:58:10 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话
A U.S. F-22 Raptor jet crashed above the sky of northern Jordan.
Thanks to Doreid Mohamad for this post 
(translated from arab to italian and then from italian to english, sorry if there are errors)

According to the Oklahoman newspaper Post, citing U.S. military sources that the F-22 Raptor crashed in the north of Jordan, sources tell about the possibility of shoot down the F-22 Raptor aircraft by a Syrian missile Syrian everything and happened near the Syrian border, while a military expert John Blu Reed told the newspaper that the shoot down of the F-22 Raptor confirmation that Syria has a defense system updated the S-300, S 400 missiles or rockets, l 'U.S. expert also stated that U.S. relations - Russia will be even more strained if it is confirmed that Russia has provided to Syria missiles S 400.On the other hand according to reports from the United States, according to the Los Angeles Times of America, the Syrian defense forces have shot down four missiles launched by the Americans type Tomahawk, sources tell us that it was the defense systems (Bentsr 1) anti-aircraft missiles that have made that American missiles struck, and centered in the middle, the sources of Washington state that four missiles were launched to test the degree of defense of the Syrian forces, the sources have also confirmed that one of the main reasons in stopping aggression against Syria is the overthrow of the American F-22 Raptor crashed yesterday in the north of Jordan, also also deal with the part of the Syrian air defense missiles to the four Tomahok, daa remember that Jordan is still home to its territory five F-22, and this was one of the main reasons to postpone the trial of aggression against Syria.


据俄克拉荷马报纸援引美国军方消息人士透露,一架F-22“猛禽”在约旦北部坠毁,消息来源称F22坠毁在叙利亚边界附近,不排除是被叙利亚导弹击落的可能。军事专家约翰·里德告诉本报记者,击落的F-22“猛禽”的可能是叙利亚的S-300或更新的S400导弹,该专家还指出,如果它被证实(F-22被击落)美中关系 - 俄罗斯将更加紧张……这起F-22坠毁事件有可能是美国暂停对叙利亚动武的主要原因。

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