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A provocative China?
送交者: abc55 2014年06月03日00:28:43 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话

A member of the CCP political bureau, Mr. Wang Yang said that China was a (obedient) wife of the United States and a divorce was not an option. Following Mr. Wang Yang, President Xi Jin Ping proposed the new relationship between the two big powers. It is obvious that China's top leaders have been trying their best for more than a decade to become the friends of the top U.S. government officials, but the results have been tragic. Why? One of the reasons is that it would be a shame for a democratically elected American government official to have a criminal friend who stole astronomical amount of money from the Chinese people. The scandal that the top Chinese leaders including the former Chinese premier Wen Jiao Bao and their relatives stole hundreds of billions of dollars from the Chinese people and then transferred the stolen money abroad are well known all over the world except the Chinese people inside China. What a notorious shame! It is much easier for a U.S. congressman to get re-elected if he proposes a bill that is against the interest of a corrupted government such as the Chinese government. This is the fundamental reason why the U.S. and China can never become friends as long as the Chinese government is a corrupted one. 

Why did the former chairman Mao who fight the Americans eventually own the respect of the American politicians such as Nixon and Kissinger? Because Mao was not a corrupted head of state, and Mao's courage and success in against the superpowers for the protection of the interest of the Chinese people won the respect worldwide. In fact, Mao was the enemy of the American politicians at first, but became a friend later. In contrast, the nowadays top Chinese leaders have been trying hard to become the friends of the American politicians, but eventually end up becoming the enemies who have to be defeated by a military force!  

In order to be respected by the American politicians, one has to gain the respect from the American people, because the American politicians are elected by the American people. To become the friends of the American politicians, the top Chinese leaders must become clean as a first step, must declare their income publicly to convince the world that they are not the criminal thieves, and must put the corrupted former premier Wen Jia Bao into prison to demonstrate to the world that the new top Chinese leaders are different from those of the corrupted government of Hu Jin Tao and Wen Jia Bao. How could the Chinese government gain the respect of the world when it is still protecting such a notorious corruption criminal as Wen Jia Bao who abused his power to gain/steal more than 2.7 billion dollars? This was reported by the New York Times, and Mr. Wen dared not to challenge it, meaning it is a truth and Wen is a true criminal!

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