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送交者: hebeiman1 2014年06月14日20:20:35 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话

Where is Obama?

America created a mess in Iraq and then left. We should not have gone in there to begin with and it was Bush who did it. He lied because he want to invade Iraq because he had a grudge against Hussein. Bush and Cheney are war criminals every bit as guilty as any Nazi ever was. But never has any President of the US ever had criminal charges brought against them. The most that has ever been done is impeachment.     And our current President when he took office said that was past and we were not going to do anything about what had been done. He starts off with a few blunders when a few black people told him they were being treated unfairly. And then after he opened his big mouth, he had to see that it just wasn't so. Now for sure, there were lots of Republicans who wanted to make him look bad and some of them spitefully did thing like fat boy Cruz shutting down the government to try and kill Obama's pet project, Obamacare. And I thought we were making progress on racial issues and at times it was shocking to see how some other government officials would openly show belligerence toward him. I always thought Obama handled it pretty well considering he was taking the brunt for all those years of white supremacy because he was the first black man in the White House.

    But this war he inherited, seems to be too much for him. He is always a day late or a good idea short of making head way in foreign issues. He is especially blind about all the middle east countries. He did one thing that helped. He got Osama Bin Laden where as Bush gave up after a couple of months. Anyway, his decisions concerning the violence by extremist, are always off. He kept apologizing for minor things that Americans did that offended the foreign extremist Muslims even when they killed Americans. He did apologize several times without addressing the fact that Americans were killed needlessly. Now recently he traded 5 dangerous killers for one American deserter. And he states he will not apologize for it. Less than 48 hours later, the swarms of Muslim killers start killing and kidnapping and you name it everywhere that Muslims live. Now where is Obama? He is saying nothing. Where is Obama?

     The rest of us know, that if the Americans don't do something soon, millions of lives will be lost over there and America will be the next country they invade. So where is Obama? Has he fled already?
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