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送交者: 燒火丫頭 2008月08月25日12:40:58 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話
回  答: test燒火丫頭 於 2008-08-25 12:32:57

You have a very sweet and sensational voice, also musical. Here are some suggestions for your reference:
1. You can try to raise the key (one step or half step higher), which may be easer for you to bring out best vocal range in your voice, also would help you better expressing the feeling.
2. We call it diction; it means to articulate your words. Even it is a pop song, it still needs clear words and some of the words may need more emphasis than others.

1)這個歌本來是男聲的歌,我唱的時候已經將伴奏升了3個key,雖然覺得低音部分還是吃力可是怕伴奏變形嚴重沒敢再升,對我來說確實是調太低了。Unfortunately, having a right key is one of the basic elements for singing.


Articulation (吐字清晰) doesn’t mean push or punch; it is more to do with your tongue and teeth.

1. 我唱歌老是覺得氣不夠用,比如長長的尾音拖不到位,不該喘氣的地方必須要換氣。。。這個問題是因為我氣息控制不好呢,還是就因為我肺活量不夠啊?怎麼克服?
You didn’t really breath in, or say your breathings sat too high, which are very common for the natural singers (singers who with not training). A singing breathing usually deeper than speaking, it relates to your diaphragm and your lower part of the ribcage. Pay attention to your laughing breathing, which is the motion you should use for singing. The difficult thing to do is to remember, use to this kind of movement, and apply it to your singing.

2. 我覺得自己的聲音不清澈,不亮,有點沙沙的,好象蒙着一層灰塵的感覺,這音色應該就是天生的,可是還是想問問是否能通過發音方法能改進一下?
Yes you can. It is still relate your breath and breathing control.

3. 如果想提,是應該反覆唱同一首歌嗎?比如你多我的那首歌提出了建議,如果想改進,是應該再唱那首歌嗎?一首歌唱多了好象會煩:)
Choose a right song and have a purpose practicing, it would be very helpful.
Choosing a RIGHT SONG is depandent on your vocal condition ( vocal range, timber and technique ability), singing style and temperament. It could be a little challenge but not extremely difficult.

Talent + hard work=profession, talent+hard work+luck=success



作詞:羅文裕 作曲:羅文裕
*窗外開始下起毛毛雨 雲遮住了星星
 夜深了還沒有睡意 翻來覆去的想妳
 時鐘滴答滴答的聲音 像在說我愛妳
 轉過2點3點到6點 恨不得快點見到妳
#幸福的距離 就算萬公裡 在妳眼裡有我想要的勇氣
 從南極飛到北極 南京到 北京  妳的笑勝過那些美景
 我們勾勾手 就一言為定 我會傻傻的好好的愛妳
 妳的名加我的姓 永遠在一起 擁抱多過千言萬語
Repeat * , # , #
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