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the question here is not bette
送交者: 翠花上酸菜 2008月08月13日19:57:56 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 花了钱当然要做到最好,这是大家都认同的buzz 于 2008-08-13 19:22:57
or worse, it is question of honest or not. you have pointed out李宁的飞跑,孔子的学生都是假的,是的,那是明摆着的在用艺术形式展示中国古代文明, then how come people can not figure out it is only an Ad and a game? do you think people will use the same moral standard for the game as for real life? common on, be just realistic. you could come around and see the world that you may find that actually most of the foreiners are more understandable for this kind of trick then our picky fellow chinese. what bad reputation china may get? do you think it is kind of ridiculous?

Yes, I 100% agree with you that using the Yang Pei Yi may be better but nothing wrong to use both of them and take the advantage of both in this show for sure.

sorry i can't type chinese but have to write in my lousy english
  it is question of honest or no - buzz 08/13/08 (252)
    come on is singing a compettit - 翠花上酸菜 08/13/08 (247)
      再次告诫你不能跨越辩论的底线 - buzz 08/14/08 (217)
      试问开幕式演双簧如何是造假? 随规定双簧 - 翠花上酸菜 08/13/08 (232)
        首先,我自始至终没有就什么双簧表示过态度,我就是 - 雨花茶 08/14/08 (280)
          老乡, 我的观点一直都是:没有造假问题。。 - 翠花上酸菜 08/14/08 (197)
          支持! - buzz 08/14/08 (244)
            同感!  /无内容 - 雨花茶 08/14/08 (186)
        如果张艺谋在新闻发布会上说:我们开幕式就是演双簧 - 山西一号 08/13/08 (173)
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