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檀香扇:『電影主題曲』--豪情三劍客(The Three Musketeers, 1993)
送交者: 檀香扇 2005年12月30日12:06:59 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話

《All For Love》是Bryan Adams,Sting和Rod Stewart共同為電影《The Three Musketeers》(中譯:豪情三劍客/三個火槍手/新三劍俠,根據大仲馬的同名小說改編)創作的電影插曲,這首歌1993年11月排上了美國流行歌曲排行榜的首位,1994年2月在英國的排行榜中上升到了第2位。





- B.Adams & Sting & R.Stewart -

When it's love you give
I'll a man of good faith
Then in love you'll live
I'll make a stand I won't break
I will the rock you can build on (girl)
Be there when you are old to have and to hold

When there's a love in side
I swear I'll be strong
Then there's a reason why
I'll prove to you we belong
I'll be the wall that protects you
From the wind and the rain, from the hurt and pain

Let's make it... all for one and all for love
Let the one you hold be the one you want
The one you need
Cuz when it's all for one, it's one for all
When there's someone that should know
Then just let your feelings show
And make it all for one and all for love

When it's love you make
I'll be fire in your night
Then it's love you take
I will defend I will fight
I'll be there when you need me
When honour's at take this vow I will make

That it's all for one all for love
Let the one you hold be the one you want
The one you need
Cuz when it's all for one, it's one for all
When there's someone that should know
Then just let your feelings show
And make it all for one and all for love

Don't lay your love to rest
Cuz we can stand up to the test
We got everything and more than we had planed
More than the rivers that run the land
We've got it all in our hands

Now it's all for one all for love
Let the one you hold be the one you want
The one you need
Cuz when it's all for one, it's one for all
When there's someone that you know
Then just let your feelings show
When there's someone that you want
When there's someone that you need
let's make it all for one and all for love.

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