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Rhapsodia:黃玫瑰 英譯
送交者: Rhapsodia 2007年11月09日06:59:35 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話


Yellow Rose

Yellow rose
No tear flows
Pretty you are best of those
You got hurt
Shed off woes
No tears'd wet your pistils
Hide your sorrow from me
My heart'd break if I see
No question of right or wrong
Beauty stays as love dwells on
Though parted from the spring sun
You'd keep blooming lifelong
Be no scared
Be no silly
Don't just cut your hair long
I'll stand by your side ‘n be there
My shoulders're for you to lean on
Words, no need
Oh smile please
Turn round; rosy clouds like neon
When I am praying for you
Can you at all feel?
Isn't it real?
Everywhere's home for you
Not be scared
Not be a fool
Everywhere you would bloom

Yellow rose
No tear flows
Pretty you are best of those
You got hurt
Shed off woes
No tears'd wet your pistils
You know you are pretty, you should
Be charmed by you, everyone would
Stop saying love is tiresome
True love doesn't often come
Though parted from the spring sun
You'd keep blooming lifelong
Be no scared
Be no silly
Don't just cut your hair long
I'll stand by your side and be there
My shoulders're for you to lean on
Words, no need
Oh smile please
Turn round, rosy clouds like neon
When I am praying for you
Can you at all feel?
Isn't it real?
Everywhere's home for you
Not be scared
Not be a fool
Everywhere you would bloom

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內 容 (選填項):
回國機票$360起 | 商務艙省$200 | 全球最佳航空公司出爐:海航獲五星
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一周點擊熱帖 更多>>
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2006: 老黑魚『邪惡』
2005: 出雲:IRIS CHANG周年祭
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