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<新年原創 MV> 雨夜思(曲:我愛微風)/詞:西太后
送交者: 西太后 2009年12月30日19:43:43 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話

the yellow valley(填詞:西太后)/(雨夜思)編曲彈奏:我愛微風 (英文錯誤請指正)

Take my hand
Take my heart
To see the mountain beauty in yellow valley
You and I

Take my wish
Take my dream
To see the field knight around white lily
You and I

To the meadow, to the river, to the forest, to the ocean
To the rainbow, to the snow, to the drizzle, to the dew
To the honesty, to the purity, to the sincerity, to the eternity
To the goodness, to the kindness, to the fairness, to the forgiveness

Don’t be cry
Look at my eye
You are inside
Till lose my sight

Don’t be so shy
I waiting for tonight
You would only be mine
Till I die

Don’t be so sad
You will be all right
I standing beside
Till no more sunshine

The bird flies up high
You see the sky
Looks bright in late autumn time

Bring me a surprise
When you pass by
You are always my pride
Makes me cry

Don’t say goodbye
I can’t survive
You are all in my mind
From sunrise to sunset

Can not forget
You and me that night

To the meadow, to the river, to the forest, to the ocean
To the rainbow, to the snow, to the drizzle, to the dew
To the honesty, to the purity, to the sincerity, to the eternity
To the goodness, to the kindness, to the fairness, to the forgiveness

Don’t be cry
Look at my eye
You are inside
Till lose my sight

Don’t be so shy
I waiting for tonight
You would only be mine
Till I die

Don’t be so sad
You will be all right
I standing beside
Till no more sunshine

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