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IPOD【快乐五分钟】Rhonda Vincent ● Missouri Moon
送交者: IPOD 2007年11月07日06:42:24 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话

Missouri Moon Lyrics

By: Rhonda Vincent

There's a full moon out tonight
all the stars are shining bright
the same way that they used to do.
And it reminds me of
the night we fell in love
Beneath that old Missouri moon.

Who'd have ever thought we'd end this way
As I watch you go the tears are rolling down my face.
Who'd have ever thought I'd be so blue
As I cry beneath that old Missouri moon.

I can't remember when it started to begin
That I gave my heart away to you
And then when we touched
I have never felt so much
It was in that moment that I knew.

As I cry beneath that old Missouri moon
Missouri moon, Missouri moon.

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