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I am alive again (词原创)
送交者: ~飘~ 2009年06月13日20:38:21 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话


I am alive again
From the hot desert
From the cold iceberg
From the devil’ mouth

It is the new me
Just standing before you
Never be so brave than today
Never be so strong

Looking for a man
Whom I would love to my death
But I can’t find at all
In the damn world

Gave you the whole heart of mine
But you cut it into many parts

Turning back from you right now
Starting to learn how to love myself

I am alive again
From the hot desert
From the cold iceberg
From the devil’ mouth

It is the new me
Just standing before you
Never be so brave than today
Never be so strong

Gave you the whole heart of mine
But you cut it into many parts

Turning back from you right now
Starting to learn how to love myself

Looking for a man
Whom I would love to my death
But I can’t find at all
In the damn world

The whole heart of mine
Being cut into many parts
The damn world

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