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江毅《同一首歌》- 大家周末快樂!
送交者: 江毅 2018年09月09日13:16:47 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話



BTW, I published a free Chrome extension:HoverWord Chinese,a mouse-pointer-Chinese-dictionary.

It works on both Windows and Mac (maybe Linix too). 

To install: In Chrome,  click this link:
Then click "Add to Chrome" button. 

Now HoverWord is added to your Chrome as an extension.

1. Click on the HoverWord icon on top-right corner on Chrome to activate (only need do this once).
2. When viewing any Chinese page, , mouse over on a Chinese character, then a dictionary window will pop up, together with two small buttons which can speak the word and can get more usage samples related to the word.
3. When dict window is up, use left/right arrow to see more words, if any.
4. Right click HoverWord icon on top-right corner of Chrome, you can use Options menu to set font size and opt to require SHIFT key for dictionary window to popup.
A key to language learning is extensive reading. If you find this software useful, please recommend to others.  Thanks!


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