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送交者: 檀香扇 2006年02月16日05:11:49 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話

音樂的靈感源自生活中的真情,一點不假。給你敲出來CD上這段Sharon isbin寫的英文的描述:

When one thinks of hte origins of this work, it is easy to understand how it became such a beloved hallmark of the classical repertoire. While Rodrigo was writing the concerto, his wife had a miscarriage seven months into her pregnacy with their first child (懷孕7個月流產,頭胎), and sh efell seriously ill. rodrigo would return each night from visiting her at the hospital, in despair at their loss, not knowing if she would live or die.

Unable to sleep, he comforted himself at the piano and what emerged as the beautiful theme of the slow movement. He reminisced about their honeymoon and how they had walkded hand in hand through the majestic gardens of Aranjuez, the magnificent 18th-century seat of Spanish nobility. The music expresses tremendous individual drama, and yet speaks on a universal level of passion, loss, celebration, longing, sorrow, and beauty. It is both a love song and a song of painful yearning....

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