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【高山龙年庆】What A Wonderful World
送交者: 老乔治 2024年05月07日16:56:12 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话


I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself what a wonderful world


I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself what a wonderful world


The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shaking hands, saying how do you do
They're really saying, I love you

I hear babies cry, I watch them grow
They'll learn much more than I'll ever know
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
Yes, I think to myself what a wonderful world


  多罚自己,我们就有耳福啦!老乔治的美声很有功力,唱得真好!  /无内容 - 娜佳醉倚听音阁 05/11/24 (1)
  这首歌罚的好!好听!  /无内容 - 老猫嚎两嗓 05/10/24 (1)
  歌剧效果很好,赞老乔治好唱!  /无内容 - big-apple 05/09/24 (4)
  %%%%%% 谢谢歌友们听歌点赞和鼓励!%%%%%%  /无内容 - 老乔治 05/09/24 (4)
  老乔治的英文歌很纯美👍  /无内容 - 树烨子 05/09/24 (9)
  漂亮!老乔治唱歌的位置很高。再罚一首?:-)  /无内容 - 英豪 05/08/24 (15)
  好听的歌声 真是像唱的歌剧, 很有份儿,   /无内容 - 溪水清幽 05/08/24 (16)
  问候老乔治,热烈鼓掌!  /无内容 - 雅歌一首 05/08/24 (15)
  演绎的非常漂亮,大赞!👍👍  /无内容 - gzzyy 05/08/24 (17)
    平时很少练声,较注重歌唱位置。要多向您学习哦!  /无内容 - 老乔治 05/08/24 (18)
  唱的漂亮,超赞!热烈鼓掌~  /无内容 - happy_singer 05/08/24 (22)
  高级,很美声的说,像从大歌剧院传来的歌声!  /无内容 - HaiShi 05/08/24 (21)
  好歌好唱喝彩!爬山不易,多唱几首!  /无内容 - 老好人 05/07/24 (28)
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