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水云间【经典回放】The Last Waltz
送交者: 水云间 2006年08月26日08:32:09 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话

The Last Waltz

I wondered should I go or should I stay
the band had only one more song to play
And then I saw you out the corner of my eye
a little girl, alone and so shy
I had the last waltz with you
two lonely people together
I fell in love with you
the last waltz should last forever

But the love we had was going strong
through the good and bad we get along
And then the flame of love died in your eye
my heart was broke in two when you said goodbye
I had the last waltz with you
two lonely people together
I fell in love with you
the last waltz should last forever

It's all over now, nothing left to say
just my tears and the orchestra playing
La la la la la la la la la

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