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~苗苗【Somewhere My Love】
送交者: ~苗苗 2007年11月10日07:17:12 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话

Lara's Theme, also known as "Somewhere My Love," holds universal appeal as one of Maurice Jarre's most memorable melodies. This piano solo sheet allows late intermediate pianists to capture the timeless, haunting theme from Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's epic film, Doctor Zhivago.
The movie traces the life of surgeon-poet Yury Zhivago before and during the Russian Revolution. Married to an upper-class girl who is devoted to him, yet in love with an unfortunate woman who becomes his muse, Zhivago is torn between fidelity and passion. Sympathetic with the revolution but shaken by the wars and purges, he struggles to retain his individualism as a humanist amid the spirit of collectivism.

Somewhere, my love,
There will be songs to sing
Although the snow
Covers the hope of spring.

Somewhere a hill
Blossoms in green and gold
And there are dreams
All that your heart can hold.

Someday we'll meet again, my love.
Someday whenever the spring breaks through.

You'll come to me
Out of the long ago,
Warm as the wind,
Soft as the kiss of snow.

Till then, my sweet,
Think of me now and then.
God, speed my love
'Til you are mine again.


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