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潮: English Translation for My Non-Chinese Friends
送交者:  2008年01月03日12:37:50 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话

MP3 download in case you can't hear it from the main page

Plant Our Love at the Bottom of Your Heart
- for a friend leaving New York for London based on & inspired by "Auld Lang Syne"
- music / lyrics / guitar / harmonica / vocal: Yingchao
- single track "live" recording

2008's New Year Bell is going to ring in 10 minutes
I play my guitar to say farewell to a friend leaving for London
It's dark outside and there is no snow under the moon light
It's warm inside and the fireplace shining red on on our faces

(chorus, repeat twice)
London's foggy sky often blocks the moon and stars at night
I sing a song called "Moon for Love" but it can hardly be seen
I wrote down this lyrics and sing in tune with "Auld Lang Syne"
So you can take our love and plant it at the bottom of your heart

2008's New Year Bell is going to ring in 10 minutes
I play my guitar to say farewell to year 2007
It's dark outside and there's no snow under the moon light
It's warm inside and the fireplace shines red on on our faces
Please take our love and plant it at the bottom of your heart

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回国机票$360起 | 商务舱省$200 | 全球最佳航空公司出炉:海航获五星
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2007: 【走进2007】祝高山流水的朋友们新年好
2007: 【走进2007】流淌的歌学唱:在那东山顶
2006: 予白:谁陪我看日出
2006: feiyang:Waltz for Koop -- by Koop