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【原创PK-湘】The Only One (原创)
送交者: 吹笛子 2008年12月27日12:13:52 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话
词曲弹唱 BY 吹笛子 The Only One The sun is setting and you have to leave I hate to see you off, so I follow your steps If you turn your back, you will see my face a man in love, a man in pain It's a lonely world with many lonely souls You are the only one sweetened my heart But why should I cry and why should I be sad? 'cause you are the only one 'cause you are the only one The sun is rising and it's another day We are getting on two tracks apart and far away I turn on the music, you are everywhere the song in air, the song in heart Does anything last forever? Does anything never end? The answer doesn't matter any more.... So I won't cry and so I won't be sad 'cause you are the only one 'cause you are the only one You are the only one I will always remember...
  全才了!大赞!  /无内容 - 小雨~ 12/27/08 (130)
  真有才啊,,,,这个也好听!金顶!!  /无内容 - anni 12/27/08 (114)
  再顶!再顶!笛子MM太有才了!  /无内容 - 逍遥乐 12/27/08 (100)
  湘军冲啊!!!  /无内容 - 白发虞人 12/27/08 (132)
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