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<<原创歌词>> The early morning
送交者: 迷迭香 2009年01月11日15:55:21 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话
****诚征谱曲伴奏,谢谢!! The “Scarborough fair” 是岂今为止我所听到的一首最美妙动听的英文歌曲, 它的成功之处在于用最纯朴简洁的语言描绘出了一段真挚感人的爱情故事。在当今这个物欲横流的疯狂年代里,爱情和金钱变成了两个矛盾对立面: 金钱上是萌发不出爱情之芽的;爱情滋生出来的产物决不会是金钱。但二者能否完美统一既获得爱情又获得金钱呢,当然可能,但那样会少了很多故事,不管是感人的还是平凡的。完美的事物是没有可塑空间的,故事都是从不完美走向完美的过程之中产生的,为什么说残缺也是一种美,就象下面所写的这首歌词一样,男女主角天各一方长相思念才会产生缠绵悱恻的爱情故事,倘若他们真的在一起的话故事会不会失味褪色呢?应该会的,平淡的生活若也能写出不平淡的故事那只是小说家们的杜撰了。 将自己沉浸在乐曲声中继续胡编乱造,,,,发现这才是额的快乐天堂。 这首笛乐版的"Fair"很适合北青笛仙来吹奏的!!强烈推荐!! The early morning The rose, the violet, the tulip The daisy, the lavender, the lily Can you see the dewdrop is rolling under the petals in an early spring morning? Please pick up one and give to my lover who lives in river side The apple, the peach, the litchi The grape, the cherry, the kiwi Can you see they are falling from the trees in an early summer morning? Please pick up one and give to my lover who lives in the mountains the other side The wheat, the beet, the onion The cauliflower, the olive, the garlic Can you see they are waiting for harvesting in the fields in an early autumn morning? Please pick up one and give to my lover who lives in the forest side The cow, the horse, the sheep The duck, the goose, the Turkey Can you see they are chasing around the farm in an early winter morning? Please pick up one and give to my lover who lives by the sea side The breeze, the drizzle, the sunshine The snow, the fog, the moonlight Can you see they are passing by my little hut in a hurry footstep? Please pick up one and give to my lover who lives in the day side
  你真的是个大才女。 这词写的超级棒!  /无内容 - liv4lov 01/13/09 (64)
  想象力极其丰富的小阿妹, - yulan 01/13/09 (100)
  顶原创!  /无内容 - HaiShi 01/12/09 (107)
  音乐感知,文字表达; - blueranger 01/12/09 (122)
  写的很美,愿你心想事成,早日成曲传唱!  /无内容 - 天边彩虹 01/11/09 (112)
  迷迭香的新思维 - 点缀 01/11/09 (109)
  小香的词清新美丽,田园牧歌般令人遐想!  /无内容 - emory854 01/11/09 (248)
    小香这名字好听!!  /无内容 - 迷迭香 01/11/09 (194)
  这词好象是受Scarborough fair的启发而做,赞  /无内容 - 树烨子 01/11/09 (75)
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