【节日歌会】【夏日最后一朵玫瑰-Last Rose of Summer】-新竹/万水千山/乐歌 |
送交者: 新竹 2010年12月26日09:51:09 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话 |
夏日里最后一朵玫瑰是我最喜爱的外国民歌之一。许多年以前德国电影《英俊少年》就让这朵玫瑰香满中国。近年的Celtic Women 组合及Sara Brightman 的演唱又让这首经典民歌风靡全球。
感谢万水千山的钢琴伴奏,感谢乐歌制作的精美帖子,使这朵玫瑰得以在2010年岁尾节开放。 珍惜生命、享受美丽。新竹、万水千山、乐歌祝各位节日愉快、新年万事如意!
下载: http://www.bbsland.org/upload_music/5657728.mp3
夏日最后一朵玫瑰 词:汤玛斯. 摩尔 曲改编:汤玛斯. 摩尔 演唱、翻译:新竹 钢琴:万水千山 摄影、制帖:乐歌
夏日里最后一朵玫瑰 孤独一处静静开放 百花早已凋谢 伙伴已经枯萎 没有鲜花映照你的脸庞 唯有你暗自叹息忧伤
美丽已逝长眠野荒 怎忍看你独枝衰黄 轻轻地将你的花瓣撒满花床 百花已香消玉殒 你与她们一冢同葬
当友谊枯萎不长 爱情的指环不再闪光 我愿与你同往 当真情不在亲人飘亡 啊,还有谁愿留在这世上 啊,世界是多么的荒凉
Last Rose of Summer
Poem by Thomas Moore (1779-1852) Music by Sir John Stevenson, 1761-1833
'Tis the last rose of summer,
(zt) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 这首抒情委婉而稍带点哀愁的爱尔兰歌曲,是世界上许多女高音歌唱家最爱唱的曲目之一。歌词作者和曲调改编者托马斯·穆尔,是19世纪杰出的爱尔兰诗人和歌唱家。他热爱祖国的民间诗歌和音乐,在自己的创作中,不仅利用了诗歌中的形象,还利用了它的曲调和节奏,他的每一首爱尔兰歌曲都是按照民歌曲调改编的。《夏日里最后一朵玫瑰》是根据米利金的歌曲《布莱尼的丛林》的曲调改写而成的。 这支优美动人的旋律激起了作曲家的灵感,贝多芬曾加以改编,收在《爱尔兰歌曲二十首》中;特别是在德国作曲家弗洛托将它用进歌剧《玛尔塔》中之后,它就更加广为流传。在歌剧里,有这样一个情节:有个叫隆涅尔的村民到雇佣市场游玩,看到化名为“玛尔塔”的女官哈莉特,于是便偷取了她带着的一朵玫瑰花,要她唱一支歌,才肯把花还给她,于是玛尔塔就唱了一曲《夏日里最后一朵玫瑰》。 The Last Rose of Summer is a poem by Irish poet Thomas Moore, who was a friend of Byron and Shelley. Moore wrote it in 1805 while at Jenkinstown Park in County Kilkenny, Ireland. Sir John Stevenson set the poem to its widely-known melody, and this was published in a collection of Moore's work called Irish Melodies (1807–34). In Ireland, it is claimed that the melody was composed by George Alexander Osborne, a composer from Limerick City. Ludwig Van Beethoven composed Theme and Three variations for flute and piano, Op 105, based on the song late in his life.Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy composed a Fantasia in E major, Op. 15, based on the song (1827?, publ. London, 1830). Friedrich von Flotow uses the song in his opera "Martha," premiered in 1847 in Vienna. It is a favorite air ("Letzte Rose") of the character Lady Harriet. The interpolation works, and indeed the song helped popularize the opera. (According to the 1954 Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, the opera grew from an 1844 ballet-pantomime, "Lady Henriette," for which Flotow wrote the music to Act One. Burgmuller and Deldevez wrote the rest of the music; "Lady Henriette" was produced in Paris.) |
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