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【2012高山年庆】石竹花:《Quando men vo 漫步街上》
送交者: 石竹花 2012年03月20日10:15:29 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话

这是普契尼《La Boheme 波希米亚人》里第二号女主人的咏叹调。学唱了一段时间,为了是尝试美物。

Quando m'en vo,
Quando m'en vo soletta per la via,
La gente sosta e mira.
E la bellezza mia tutta ricerca in me,
Ricerca in me da capo a pie'.

Ed assaporo allor la bramosia sottil,
Che da gl'occhi traspira.
E dai palesi vezzi intender sa
Alle occulte belta'.
Cosi' l'effluvio del desio
Tutta m'aggira.
Felice mi fa!
Felice mi fa!

E tu che sai,
Che memori e ti struggi,
Da me tanto rifuggi?
So ben: le angoscie tue non le vuoi dir,
Non le vuoi dir,
So ben ma ti senti morir!

English translation:
When I walk all alone in the street
People stop and stare at me
And look for my whole beauty
From my head to my feet.

And then I taste the slight yearning
Which transpires from their eyes
And which is able to perceive from manifest charms
To most hidden beauties.
So the scent of desire is all around me
It makes me happy!

And you, while knowing, reminding and longing
You shrink from me?
I know it very well;
You don't want to express your anguish
But you feel as if you're dying!

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