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recession good for mankind
送交者: kenn2003 2008月09月23日21:55:06 於 [新 大 陸] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 萬寶: 美國衰退的根本原因萬寶 於 2008-09-22 20:41:58
as having been pointed out by some, mankind today are over consume the natural resources of their offspring.

americans addict to BIG cars simply because americans don't want to walk but want obesity.

americans are selfish, because when they consume fossils and electricities for nothing, they never ask the question how much wealth these resources can get generate for people in third world.

americans are greedy, because they buy second BIG car, third BIG car, BIGGER and energy eating house, BIGER square energy eating house, and so on so forth.

americans are stupid, becuse they love their kids but they are wasting stuff belonging to their kids, and kids' kids.
標  題 (必選項):
內  容 (選填項):
回國機票$360起 | 商務艙省$200 | 全球最佳航空公司出爐:海航獲五星
海外華人福利!在線看陳建斌《三叉戟》熱血歸回 豪情築夢 高清免費看 無地區限制
一周點擊熱帖 更多>>
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