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Bethesda Terrace and Fountain, NYC(纽约城·流水露台和喷泉)
送交者: 儿歌荟萃 2024年05月06日06:27:50 于 [诗词歌赋] 发送悄悄话

2024-04-27 Independent Bookstore Day

【The Paltry Nude Starts on a Spring Voyage (1919)】

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

        But not on a shell, she starts,

        Archaic, for the sea.

        But on the first-found weed

        She scuds the glitters,

        Noiselessly, like one more wave.


        She too is discontent

        And would have purple stuff upon her arms,

        Tired of the salty harbors,

        Eager for the brine and bellowing

        Of the high interiors of the sea.


        The wind speeds her on,

        Blowing upon her hands

        And watery back.

        She touches the clouds, where she goes,

        In the circle of her traverse of the sea.


        Yet this is meagre play

        In the scrurry and water-shine,

        As her heels foam—

        Not as when the goldener nude

        Of a later day


        Will go, like the centre of sea-green pomp,

        In an intenser calm,

        Scullion of fate,

        Across the spick torrent, ceaselessly,

        Upon her irretrievable way.

—— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • ——

































【注】流水喷泉是为了纪念1842年巴豆渡槽(Croton Aqueduct)的开通所打造的纯净水纪念碑,该渡槽首次为纽约城带来淡水,这对因饮用水污染而遭受像黄热病、霍乱等毁灭性疾病爆发的纽约人来说是“治愈”的。雕塑《水之天使》的灵感来自《约翰“神赐”福音》(Gospel of John)中耶稣施行医治奇迹的流水疗愈池,描述了天使祝福流水池并赋予其治愈能力,再现“季节、时刻、人类世纪”主题思想;天使手中的百合花象征着水的纯洁,基座周围的四个小天使代表着和平、健康、纯洁和节制。

流水露天是中央公园重要组成,其拱廊号称世上唯一采用花砖或镶嵌瓷砖做天花板的建筑,由14,000—16,000块山地花砖(Minton Encaustic Tiles)组成,由此形成49块嵌板,并创造出精致的几何图案。

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2024-04-27_Bethesda Terrace Viewed from Bethesda Terrace Esplanade-10001.JPG

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1997-04-11_NYC_Central Park-10001.JPG

2015-10-24_Bethesda Terrace & Fountain-1M0001.JPG

2024-04-27_A Sweeping Promenade (The Mall) Leading to a Grand Terrace Overlooking the Lake-10001.JPG

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2024-04-27_Bethesda Terrace Arcade w Large & Delightfully Cool Hall0001.JPG

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2024-04-27_Bethesda Fountain & under the Terrace-10001.JPG

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USA·New York(美国·纽约州)


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