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Belvedere Castle, NYC(紐約城·美景城堡)
送交者: 兒歌薈萃 2024年05月09日03:48:09 於 [詩詞歌賦] 發送悄悄話

2024-04-27 National Tell a Story Day

【Ploughing on Sunday (1919)】

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

                The white cock's tail

                Tosses in the wind.

                The turkey-cock's tail

                Glitters in the sun.


                Water in the fields.

                The wind pours down.

                The feathers flare

                And bluster in the wind.


                Remus, blow your horn!

                I'm ploughing on Sunday,

                Ploughing North America.

                Blow your horn!




                The turkey-cock's tail

                Spreads to the sun.


                The white cock's tail

                Streams to the moon.

                Water in the fields.

                The wind pours down.

—— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • ——




























【注】1869年建成的美景城堡融合了哥特式和羅馬式風格,矗立於海龜池畔的遠景岩露頭之上,因原本用於測量中央公園的風速和風向,1983年翻修後又被稱作“領袖·光明”自然天文台(Henry Luce Nature Observatory)。


Today in History(歷史上的今天):

2024: Bethesda Terrace and Fountain, NYC(紐約城·流水露台和噴泉)

2024: Bergdorf Goodman Dept. Store, NYC(紐約“山村·良民”百貨商店)

2024: Library Walk, NYC(紐約城·圖書館步道)

2021: Selection of Study Areas(選擇大學專業)

Central Park0001.JPG

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2024-04-06_Belvedere Castle in Hybrid of Gothic and Romanesque (1869) w the Anemometer & Wind Vane on the Top of the Tower to Record the Official Wind Speed & Direction for Central Park0001.JPG

2024-04-06_Belvedere Castle w Wooden Loggia, the Anemometer & Wind Vane atop to Record the Official Wind Speed & Direction for Central Park0001.JPG

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2024-04-06_Belvedere Castle_Pavilion the Belvedere0001.JPG

2016-03-24_279 Central Park West-The St. Urban-295 Central Park West-The El Dorado @ Central Park West0001.JPG

2024-04-06_Bldg_The Beresford in Renaissance Revival (1929)0001.JPG

2024-04-27_Lake_Turtle Pond against the El Dorado0001.JPG

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2024-04-27_Animal_Canada Goose w Red-Eared Slide0001.JPG


2024-04-27_Animal_American Robin0001.JPG

2024-04-27_Animal_Chinese Crested Dog0001.JPG

2024-04-27_Animal_Red-Winged Blackbird-10001.JPG

2024-04-06_Animal_Black Squirrel0001.JPG


USA·New York(美國·紐約州)


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