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送交者: Sanyo 2011年07月24日05:08:23 於 [詩詞歌賦] 發送悄悄話

To those of us – or more accurately – you, who are caught in the dilemma between “going back” or “not going back”, let me have a straight talk with you.


Just Don’t - I mean “DO NOT” – even think of “BACK”I am speaking with all the honesty I can gather.


China – I mean中國 – the country you and I loved so much, is not there anymore.

Everywhere “back” in China, I feel like an alien, and treated as such. Chaos. Degeneration. Poverty. Stupidity. Arrogance. Ignorance – these are the things ruling as of now. I am simply not “back” to the China I left. Without our knowledge, they have created or re-created the “ancient regime”, another hell as dirty, filthy, mean and cheeky as India.


If you feel you are discriminated against in US, UK, France, Germany, Italy – well, hell, you are subject to even harsher discrimination “back”.


Everyone can smell you out, and single you out as someone they must fear, hate, and go against. All the best opportunities are simply denied to you.


Even the so-called “foreign enterprises” that you might once cherished have been corrupted. Gone are the days when you can earn your time and space under the sun with your own ability and industry. It all depends on as of now the old-fashioned “relation” or “relationship” – well what the f u c k – are there any differnces between these two words?


You want to serve your “own” country? Well, they don’t need you. They need one of themselves. They need their own “rela’s”.


You cannot even speak with your own “relatives” with full honesty anymore. Everywhere you are told to adapt to their “national status quo”. Well, they have been talking like this since the early 1900’s. Since then, except for some brief respites, one generation of stupidity followed another, and the last generation of the so-called “sole-children” is the most stupid of them all.


Forget about all the big talks. You cannot even find a decent job, because, they have found that they themselves are better than anyone of us who are “back”, even as far as foreign languages are concerned. Their “national status quo” extends way beyond what you can imagine. Even their “Chinese” accent sounds more authentic to your “foreign” accent. All of them can prove that they speak better English, better French and better German than we do.


This is a real jungle. Any kind of animal could all of a sudden jump out of nowhere on you and then start jeering how he or she has humiliated a silly one “back” from overseas.


Radios, TV’s, public media are all geared up against you. They shared their experiences about how to handle us and how to make us know that they know that we are back because we didn’t live well in somewhere else.


“BACK”?  Hello there, JUST DONOT.     Don’t come “back”. It’s unfortunate enough that we haven’t not made ourselves billionaires. But at least we have survived with some semblance of decency up to now. There is absolutely no need for you to suffer the assured worse “back” in your “own” country.


For those of us – those of you – who are even thinking of “going” “back” to “China”, take my advice. Better for you to go work – perhaps once again – as a waiter or waitress than “coming” “back”.


Stay where you are. Stick. Persist. Do Not go/come back to China/India”. A new hell is being created or re-created. It’s not socialism. It’s not capitalism. It’s not your “own” country. No. Not.
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