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送交者: 吉天 2006年04月27日13:10:25 於 [詩詞歌賦] 發送悄悄話

Happy Birthdays


The April Girl

Sweet is a cantaloupe
Sweet is honeydew
Sweet is a braid of grape
Sweeter are you!

Amongst good tidings in pile
Precious of all is your smile
It erases my wrinkles on face
A gift it is by grace!

Warmth is your giggles in sprinter
Like a quilt in the winter
Causing bells about to ring
Heralding the season of a spring

Teddies, bunnies and legends
Green colors and all friends
We all wish you a happy birthday
May His blessing be on its way!

The May Boy

There was a month called May.
Special was its third day.
Joy to the world,
The Lord sent a gift my way!

What could that be
For a fool like me?
It’s a big surprise,
A boy was born to my family!

Mom was the happiest among all.
Sister thought you were cute like a doll.
What a precious thing
To keep your father standing tall!

It will be 6 years to this May
We will celebrate on the same day
Celebrate the Lord’s grace.
May His blessing be on its way!

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