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Bergdorf Goodman Dept. Store, NYC(纽约“山村·良民”百货商店)
送交者: 儿歌荟萃 2024年05月03日04:50:39 于 [诗词歌赋] 发送悄悄话

2024-04-27 International Marconi Day

【Parochial Theme (1942)】

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

    Long-tailed ponies go nosing the pine-lands,

    Ponies of Parisians shooting on the hill.


    The wind blows. In the wind, the voices

    Have shapes that are not yet fully themselves, 


    Are sounds blown by a blower into shapes,

    The blower squeezed to the thinnest mi of falsetto.


    The hunters run to and fro. The heavy trees,

    The grunting, shuffling branches, the robust,


    The nocturnal, the antique, the blue-green pines

    Deepen the feelings to inhuman depths.


    These are the forest. This health is holy,

    This halloo, halloo, halloo heard over the cries


    Of those for whom a square room is a fire,

    Of those whom the statues torture and keep down.


    This health is holy, this descant of a self,

    This barbarous chanting of what is strong, this blare.


    But salvation here? What about the rattle of sticks

    On tins and boxes? What about horses eaten by wind?


    When spring comes and the skeletons of the hunters

    Stretch themselves to rest in their first summer's sun,


    The spring will have a health of its own, with none

    Of autumn's halloo in its hair. So that closely, then,


    Health follows after health. Salvation there:

    There's no such thing as life; or if there is,


    It's faster than the weather, faster than

    Any character. It is more than any scene:


    Of the guillotine or of any glamorous hanging.

    Piece the world together, boys, but not with your hands.

—— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • ——













































【注】自1901年以来,“山村·良民”百货店在行业声望、品牌策划和终极奢侈品购物体验方面均已超越纽约城另外一家久负盛名的奢侈品零售商——1924年开业的第五大道剪刀百货店(Saks 5th Ave),不仅引领全球品牌时尚、个性化服务及华丽精致新潮流,而且浑然将老式魅力绽放出现代奢华。此外,其大厦一直是纽约中城地标性建筑。

Today in History(历史上的今天):

2021: Selection of Study Areas(选择大学专业)

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USA·New York(美国·纽约州)


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