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送交者: 恒星 2011年02月13日09:29:32 于 [诗词歌赋] 发送悄悄话




A rose deep in my heart,    在我心灵深处,珍藏一朵玫瑰

You helped it to grow,      你呵呵护她成长

Its sweet,              让她甜美

As dear as can be.         你让她可爱无比

But today, I want you to see, 可是,就在今日,我希望你看到

What that means to me.    她对我深切的涵义


This rose like a gem        玫瑰如玉啊

This rose like a poem       玫瑰如诗

With our laughter and tears 和着我们的欢笑,和着我们的泪水

Its precious,            她的珍奇

As brilliant as can be       无以伦比

But today, I want you to see…可是,就在今日,我希望你看到

A little secret in me.        我心中那小小秘密


A new bloom,            那是一枝新花

Growing from the day      刚刚展开

You came in front of me,    你来的我的面前

In such a wonderful way,    以如此的雅姿

O Who else can be?     哦,除了你啊还能有谁?

As sunlight on a stream     你如阳光覆被小溪

Returns each day as the morning breaks 正像早歇复归每日

As moonlight on a stream  一如月华涂满河堤

Returns each day as the evening sets 正如夜幕回归每日

I remembered that time    那段时光永不忘记

O You came to me       哦,就在那天,我遇到了你


The rose was a bud,      那玫瑰曾是蓓蕾

The rose was a bloom,    那玫瑰曾经开启

Today a lovely blossom    今天抵达她的全盛之期

Not the one in the store   非比瓶中之芳

Not the one in the garden  更非园圃之卉

But deep in the heart of mine是我心灵深处,珍藏的一朵玫瑰


Remember, this rose,    铭记着啊,这朵玫瑰

As dear as can be       是你让她可爱无比

Through all the years    她穿越世纪

Part belongs to you     属于我啊

And part belongs to me  也属于你.

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