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Mom's Love
送交者: 雨花小精灵 2012年05月07日07:24:01 于 [诗词歌赋] 发送悄悄话

One kind of medal
not shining on the chest
but lighting up the spirit

that is mom’s smile

acknowledging child’s achievement

One kind of rhythm
not playing on the instrument
but resonating the heart beat

that is mom’s pride

cheering child’s improvement;

One kind of sweet
not a taste in the mouth
but sweetening the mood

that is mom’s support

securing child’s movement

One kind of silence
expressing the soothing music

That is mom’s warm gaze
removing child’s loneliness


One kind of motionlessness
characterizing the fantastic dance

That is mom’s tight embrace

holding child’s confidence

One kind of softness
refining the hardest stone
that is mom’s great patience

encouraging child’s success

Without a word

it gets heavier than one thousand
without any voice
it comes louder than the thunder

without a tear

it starts to bleed in the mind

that is mom’s disappointment

waking up a child’s misdeed


Mom’s love

In the world

Deeper than the ocean

Broader than the sky

Brighter than the sun

Touching child’s heart every second
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