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There is no liberty without slavery
送交者: jingchen 2022年03月03日06:48:40 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

There is no liberty without slavery (沒有鐵鏈女,就沒有金牌女)

Olympic Games were first held in Ancient Greece. Greece was a democracy. It was also a slavery. Greeks could engage in sports and politics because their slaves provided the essential goods for them. There is no liberty without slavery.

Today is no difference. Some people engage in Olympic sports and other high class activities because the mass in China and other countries provide essential goods for them. Today’s workers often have to work for longer hours than slaves. In some slave societies, slaves worked for nine hours a day. In today’s China, 996, from nine to nine for six days, is the standard working hours for many people. It is the slavery in China and elsewhere that gives liberty to the rest of the world.

There is no liberty without slavery.

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